Friday, May 27

2nd opinion

I really wanted a closure regarding our pregnancy today so I could move on and try to conceive again sooner.

I decided this time God would help me choose a Gynae. Called up Thomson Women's Clinic (SengKang) but Dr Adrien could only see me from 5.30pm onwards. I was doing it without hubby's knowledge so that timing was definitely unsuitable. Tried Dr Michele Lee from TWC (AMK) and she was available at 11am! I quickly changed and went AMK Hub.

Dr Michele Lee was nice. She asked about my history and proceeded to do a transvaginal ultrasound scan (not the most comfortable feeling on earth). The gestation sac measured 11.17mm, 5weeks 1 day old.

If you read my earlier post, the gestation sac was 6 week 2 days old. While I didn't mention this to Dr Michele, but she addressed the shrinking size, stating that 2mm off was not a real concern.

Upon seeing the empty sac, I was convinced this pregnancy was not viable. So I asked consulted more about miscarriage. Found out that D&C would set us back by about $1200 - $1500. Since my spotting progressed to light period bleeding, I asked about induced miscarriage so I could end the chapter nicely before I go on our Australia trip.

Guess what? She didn't want to administer. Not until she was utterly convinced that this pregnancy would fail. My blood was drawn again (3rd time in a week) for another round of Beta hCG test to see if it was dropping, another one scheduled on 31 May.

I was so convinced I'm going to miscarry I bought cheap panty liners and sanitary pads on my way home.

Guess what again? Nurse just called me to say my levels rose to 30000 and asked me to pop by tomorrow to get pills to stabilise pregnancy. Now I have to spill the beans!

Dear hubby, please don't get mad at me for seeing Dr Michele without you. I know you will still love me the same, or more!

No matter what outcome, I just need to know we've done our very best for our unborn child.

Wednesday, May 25

Best hubby award

These few days have been a rollercoaster for us and hubby has been the greatest hubby one can ever wish for. :)

If all else fails, i know i still have God and you. Thank you for your love hubs!

Tuesday, May 24

Visit Sinseh

We went back to the sinseh whom we have been visiting to inform him our pregnancy progress. He gave me some pills to stabilise the pregnancy. I'm actually thankful for him cause he didn't give up on our pregnancy.

We are at a loss. Don't know what to expect. Part of me hope that this is just a case of late bloomer.

Thank you dear friends for your encouragements. :)

Appointment with Dr Paul

Took another Beta hCG blood test and waited an hour for the results.

At week 6, my ideal Beta hCG range should be between 158 and 31795.

Sunday 4pm: 22797
after 41 hours...
Tuesday 9am: 25754

My hCG was in the range, but with only an increment of close to 3000, far from doubling. Dr Paul said this probably wasn't a good pregnancy, and that my body was trying to reject and expel the product of conception (POC). I have 2 options, to do a Dilation & Curettage (D&C), or letting my body handle it naturally. I opted for the latter.

Sunday, May 22

First ultrasound scan

The dark brown spotting which started on Vesak Day (17 May) turned fresh red at around 4pm today. So we made a trip to Thomson Medical Centre's 24 hour clinic as advised by nurse from TLC Gynaecology Practice the day before.

Well, the nurse only shared half the story. Apparently, only GPs were on duty in 24 hour clinic. The nurse at reception counter said we could call in my gynae at a cost of $300. I turned to hubs with eyeballs popped out, along with dropping jaws. I had half a mind to go home, then "Okay, call him." Hubs said.

Dr Paul Tseng arrived in less than 20mins, did an abdominal ultrasound scan (our first scan!) and located my 6 weeks 2 days gestation sac measuring 13.5mm.

He gave me progesterone pills to stabilise the pregnancy, took my blood for Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) test, then told me to drop by his clinic on Tuesday for another Beta hCG test to see if my hormone level is doubling as it should be.

After we got home..
kam: Did Dr say anything about empty sac?
hubs: No.
kam: He said he only see a sac, which means only the sac and nothing else, which eventually means empty?
hubs: Don't know.

I don't have a good feeling about this. :( Blighted Ovum it seems to me.

A blighted ovum (also known as “anembryonic pregnancy”) happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself. A blighted ovum usually occurs within the first trimester before a woman knows she is pregnant. A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a woman’s body to naturally miscarry. Read more>>

Wednesday, May 18

Little love moments

Hubs on duty to ensure I get enough vitamin C..

I prefer my fruits to be bite size.. This was obviously too big..

Lazy to go back to chopping board, he bit a little chunk off.

There you go! Bite size apple for me!

:)) so romantic right? Hee.

Sunday, May 15

From wife to mom-to-be

Introducing my favorite sanitary pad! Whisper Ultra - extremely slim yet absorbent. :)

I won't be needing it for the next 8 months (I hope!). :P

Rem on 6 May I woke up with the name Colin first thing in my mind? That day I decided to do a pregnancy test, expecting the normal result, but was taken aback instead.

Double lines, I didn't recall seeing double lines before, "invalid", I thought. I quickly dug out the packaging from the rubbish bin to confirm the test result. "Positive", it read. (@_@)

My heart skipped a few beats initially, but soon caught up on the missed beats. I sent an image of it to hubby without explanation after calming down and waited patiently for a reply after his class.

His response? "Are you happy?"
Of course I was, and still am as I typed. At the same time filled with uncertainty since I just left my job. I'm sure God has a plan for us so I shall just drift along.. :)

Anyway, that afternoon, he took half day off from work for dental appointment, but we ended up at our sinseh's clinic. There, the sinseh confirmed that pregnant. :D The answer to unexplained fatigue the past few weeks!

Week 6 Day 1, I'm praying for a smooth pregnancy! Looking forward to meeting kidney bean sized fetus on 31 May!

Tuesday, May 10

Our Sinseh

Hubby and I are ready to start a family. First step was to get my irregular menstruation regulated to increase the chances of conceiving.

I read some positive forum reviews on Ban Choon Wah Medical Hall and shared with hubs! The best part? The medical hall was just 10min walk from our place. :)

Blk 157, Serangoon North Ave 1
#01-434, Singapore 550154
Tel: 6288 7439

Sinseh said my womb was weak, gave me some medication to nourish m womb and an ovulation chart to map my temperature every morning. My menses regulated immediately after first appointment and we got pregnant within 4 months!

The medication lasted 2 weeks, $64 per consultation (with medication).
Baby dusts to all who are trying to conceive.

Tuesday, May 3

Random love note

Hubby loves me.
Not just by words, proven with actions.
He loves me. :)

Today we did a couple feet herbal soaking session at home. This was how it looked like!

Now my feet feels ultra smooth and I'm dozing off as I type.... Good night all.

Sunday, May 1

Movie: Thor

The husband said "I want to watch Thor tonight" when he got home. How possible was it to get tickets on Friday evening, plus the start of a long weekend? True enough, cinemas were mostly filled, other than a 9ish show at Eng Wah @ Suntec. Driving there on a Friday night is simply.... crazy. I couldn't bring myself to go. Midnight show? No way too. :P So... he sulked that evening.

During my Saturday day out with my girls, he sent a message saying "I want to watch movie tonight". I checked website... 8.40pm Thor at Cathay @ eHub was sold out. (-_-")

Sunday, I checked the availability at Bishan J8 GV first thing in the morning for 11am show, it was..... less than half filled! Broke the good news to him when he woke up. He said he was gonna bathe first and expects to see me washed up, changed and all ready to go when he comes out from bathroom (I like rolling on the bed on weekend mornings). (-____-")

We arrived at GV and were greeted by their shutters (yes, that early) though it was already 5mins past the opening hours. hahaha. I hope you enjoyed the show! :)