I won't be needing it for the next 8 months (I hope!). :P
Rem on 6 May I woke up with the name Colin first thing in my mind? That day I decided to do a pregnancy test, expecting the normal result, but was taken aback instead.
Double lines, I didn't recall seeing double lines before, "invalid", I thought. I quickly dug out the packaging from the rubbish bin to confirm the test result. "Positive", it read. (@_@)
My heart skipped a few beats initially, but soon caught up on the missed beats. I sent an image of it to hubby without explanation after calming down and waited patiently for a reply after his class.
His response? "Are you happy?"
Of course I was, and still am as I typed. At the same time filled with uncertainty since I just left my job. I'm sure God has a plan for us so I shall just drift along.. :)
Anyway, that afternoon, he took half day off from work for dental appointment, but we ended up at our sinseh's clinic. There, the sinseh confirmed that I...am.... pregnant. :D The answer to unexplained fatigue the past few weeks!
Week 6 Day 1, I'm praying for a smooth pregnancy! Looking forward to meeting kidney bean sized fetus on 31 May!
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