Sunday, May 22

First ultrasound scan

The dark brown spotting which started on Vesak Day (17 May) turned fresh red at around 4pm today. So we made a trip to Thomson Medical Centre's 24 hour clinic as advised by nurse from TLC Gynaecology Practice the day before.

Well, the nurse only shared half the story. Apparently, only GPs were on duty in 24 hour clinic. The nurse at reception counter said we could call in my gynae at a cost of $300. I turned to hubs with eyeballs popped out, along with dropping jaws. I had half a mind to go home, then "Okay, call him." Hubs said.

Dr Paul Tseng arrived in less than 20mins, did an abdominal ultrasound scan (our first scan!) and located my 6 weeks 2 days gestation sac measuring 13.5mm.

He gave me progesterone pills to stabilise the pregnancy, took my blood for Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) test, then told me to drop by his clinic on Tuesday for another Beta hCG test to see if my hormone level is doubling as it should be.

After we got home..
kam: Did Dr say anything about empty sac?
hubs: No.
kam: He said he only see a sac, which means only the sac and nothing else, which eventually means empty?
hubs: Don't know.

I don't have a good feeling about this. :( Blighted Ovum it seems to me.

A blighted ovum (also known as “anembryonic pregnancy”) happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself. A blighted ovum usually occurs within the first trimester before a woman knows she is pregnant. A high level of chromosome abnormalities usually causes a woman’s body to naturally miscarry. Read more>>

1 comment:

  1. I have my first scan in a couple of weeks, where did you get your ultrasound scan. I was thinking of getting a private scan done but i dont know whether getting a 4D scan is better.
