Wednesday, December 17

30 months and counting

This was how Colin welcomed us home today.

To daddy: Hug
To mummy: Hug and an "I love you"

Daddy was jealous so he pretended he was sad to get his "I love you".

Here's how it went..
Daddy: Colin, I'm sad.
Colin: Don't be sad ah? Don't be sad. (In a very singaporean way)
Colin: Stop it. Stop it!

We broke into laughter when we heard him saying "stop it!" cause that's the exact same tone we use whenever we wanted him to stop doing something.

Some other funny phrases he said...
I so very sad.
I so very tired.
Papa is princess.
I want to jump you.
I want to hungry.
Hey! Wake it up mama/papa (when we laze on bed)

He also surprised me some days/weeks back with...
I am angry with you mama!
I don't care!
It's okay.. (tells himself after he falls)
Mummy is princess.
Breakfast/dinner time.
'Cuse me mama/papa!
I drying my hair (while standing in front of the fan).
Hey, wait a minute!

Starts asking us questions we asked him...
Is this is dog?
Where is the puppy?
What sound does a dog (or any other animals he know) make?
Do you want to read a story?
Are you okay?
Do you want to see doctor?
What's wrong with you?
May I... ?
Will you....?

This boy is growing up so fast.

At 30 months, he can converse with us like a little adult.

● He uses -ing and past tenses correctly most of the time. 
● Expresses his emotions and wants (he asked me for a kiss on his left cheek before tucking in bed)
● Shows concern for others
● Jumps anywhere and everywhere

The list is endless! He learns much faster than I can blog.

I'm sure he'll be an interesting big brother. ♥

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