Saturday, February 4

23 weeks 1 day - Braxton Hicks

"At 23 weeks pregnant, Braxton Hicks contractions may start appearing now. They are usually tightenings in your lower abdomen similar to menstrual cramps. These contractions may last from 15 seconds to one minute, keep track of them. You need to inform your doctor if they last longer than an hour or become more intense. Their purpose is to begin preparing your body for labor and birth." Source

I felt some mild cramps. Maybe I'm over sensitive? :) Baby's kicks are definitely getting more forceful. I wonder what his fingers are grabbing inside! My breasts have grown and my bump is at 35 inches. Wooooo.

I have past middle of 2nd trimester and still can't get used to being fussed over and observed by people around me.

A little good news. Big uncle Ong and mummy will be helping me with my 1 mth confinement cause the dragon year drove confinement charges up to SGD2800. Madness. That's one item off our to-do list.

Next will be preparing for Colin's arrival! Cant wait for our house to be ready. For now, familairising myself with baby item check lists gotten from internet.

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