Saturday, November 12

Linea nigra

Today I came across this...

Linea nigra (dark line running up your tummy) 
This is a dark, vertical line, up to a centimetre wide that appears down the middle of your stomach, often crossing the navel. It tends to appear around the second trimester. It is caused by pigmentation in the skin where your abdominal muscles stretch and slightly separate, to accommodate your baby as it grows.
This line of pigmentation will fade within a few weeks of delivery, although you may need to give it a gentle rub to remove any dry skin. You will notice that other areas with pigmentation - such as your nipples, moles and freckles, and even armpits - may darken too, but this will also fade with time.  source: babycenter

I checked my tummy and saw a line of pigmentation measuring 3 inches long below my navel! 

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